Experienced Attorney
in Butler, PA

If you’ve been hurt in a workplace incident or have been unfairly denied your Social Security Disability claim, attorney John J. Morgan in Butler, PA, is here to help. Dedicated to standing up for those who have been denied their right to financial assistance through workers’ compensation and Social Security, our law firm is prepared to fight for you as your trusted disability attorney.

Experience Matters

The professional and experienced team of lawyers at John J. Morgan will handle everything pertaining to your application for assistance through our Social Security System, from the initial claim to hearings and appeals, right up to the federal level if need be. With nearly five decades of experience under our belts as a respected disability attorney, our firm understands the ins and outs of the system and will do everything possible to help you claim what’s rightfully yours.

Don’t Bear the Burden Alone

Our experienced staff at the office of John J. Morgan will assist you with our extensive knowledge surrounding all laws pertaining to Social Security and disability benefits claims. We’ll work tirelessly on your behalf, so give us a call today. When you think you qualify for benefits and the government thinks otherwise, we’ll stand in for you at all hearings and claims meetings to ensure you get the benefits you deserve.

(724) 283-2992
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